Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Beach Babies

We're at the beach this week! One thing I have learned about going on a beach vacation with babies: you see a lot more sunrises!

My sister and I are at the beach with Little Man and Honeybun. The rest of the family will be joining us later in the week. For now it's just the two of us.

We took the babies down to see the ocean for the first time. Little Man liked it from a distance, but was not a fan of dipping his toes. Honeybun was more open to the whole experience, but still not really sure. Maybe they'll warm up to it later in the week.

Friday, October 12, 2012

We did it!

Total hours of mommy sleep last night = 8.

Granted, it was still in two blocks, but I feel really good this morning.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Gifted babies

My babies are gifted. I don't mean academically or athletically (although I'm sure they will be both :-)

My babies have burgeoning super senses and ESP. They have the uncanny ability to know exactly when I am doing something for myself and the exact worst moment in that process to interrupt me. If I am having breakfast, someone will start crying the moment the milk hits the cereal. If I forego cold cereal in an attempt to thwart them and avoid soggy cinnamon Life, they start to cry the moment I crack an egg into a sauté pan. Turning on the shower and stepping in is fine, but try putting shampoo in my hair and they know it. They also have an amazing ability to detect the second my foot hits the bottom stair and the instant I sit down on the couch.

Perhaps someday these talents will mature and expand to include Superbowl picks, lottery numbers, and the stock market. Until then I'll stick to bagels for breakfast.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weekend madness!

Yes, it's Wednesday and I'm just now writing a post about the weekend. No judging. Monday I had to make a Costco run and Tuesday was a fussy day, so here we are.

This weekend was a bit crazy. Although really any weekend is crazy when you have twins. This particular weekend kicked off with the parents staying up WAY too late, like 10:45 at night. I guess we decided to be rebels by, gasp, making frozen pizza for dinner and watching reruns of the Daily Show! It was a rollicking Friday in our house.

Then we had our front door painted and the main floor smelled like paint, so the four of us spent most of Saturday in the grown-up's bed. That included our first experiments with eating cereal.

Honeybun took to it right away, but Little Man needed some serious convincing. He kept looking at me like I had gone crazy and if he just waited long enough I would come to my senses and let him eat the right way. Finally I gave up and he proceeded to lick the spilled oatmeal off his bib. I think it may take him awhile to warm up to the idea of eating from a spoon.

Finally, I wrapped up the weekend by discovering an unsorted box of baby clothes in the garage. Yay for hand-me-downs, boo for sorting them. I sometimes wish I could ignore the money-saving potential and just go on a spending spree at the Carter's store. It would certainly save me a few hours of work and it would keep my living room from looking like a baby dresser exploded everywhere. I know it's worth the time and mess, though, and it will get more and more important as they get older and the clothes get more expensive.

That's my crazy weekend. If my 19 year old self could see me now, ten years later, she would be both shocked and excited for the future. She might stay up a little later and sleep in even more while she could, though.

Here's our cereal adventure...