Thursday, September 27, 2012

Flying Babies!

This past weekend we embarked on an epic journey. Well, epic for us. Little Man, Honeybun, my husband and I flew down to Nashville for a friend's wedding and a visit with family.

Flying with two babies is exhausting, especially since we did it strollerless. I hate my current stroller, but that's another post. We checked three bags, but one of them was mostly devoted to safely transporting the car seat bases. The other two held clothes and such for all three of us (it was a master feat of packing on my part). As we walked through the airport my husband and I each had a baby strapped to our chest and a diaper bag over our shoulder. In addition, I was carrying a really heavy laptop bag and my husband was hauling both car seats. I was totally beat by the time we made to the gate.

Luckily, both babies were little flying angels on both flights. We dressed them in matching boy/girl pajamas to get the maximum cuteness allowance from our fellow travelers. They nursed cooperatively on the plane and barely fussed at all. We had one diaper issue, but with two infants that's almost guaranteed to happen. It was nice to know that we can do it, but flying is a lot harder than driving. It's only worth it if the drive is more than 6-8 hours.

It was a great weekend, though. We saw a really good friend get married and had a really good visit with lots of family. Plus my husband's aunt did some amazing photos of Little Man and Honeybun. I'll try to post some later. I did spend a whole day recovering when we got home, but it didn't hurt anyone to have the three of us spend a day at home in pajamas so that Mommy could decompress. Overall a successful trip! We'll probably be flying again to visit family in Pensacola next month.

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