Monday, September 10, 2012

Nap Fail

Over the past week I've gotten overconfident in my nap time schedule. Little Man and Honeybun have been taking a beautiful 90 minute morning nap in their cribs. I have been taking advantage of this to do all sorts of interesting and exciting things. I have taken showers, cleaned the kitchen, put dinner in the slow cooker, folded laundry and so forth. It's been lovely.

This morning was shaping up to go the same way. They were both sleeping peacefully, and had been for 35 minutes, when I heard a car horn honk across the street. This happens a couple times a week. Someone is getting a ride somewhere and the person picking them up is impatient. They honked the flipping horn ever 30 seconds for 4 minutes straight. Finally, the person came out and they drove away. And at that moment Little Man woke up. By the time I got upstairs to give him his pacifier, Honeybun was awake as well.

For anyone who doesn't have four month olds, let me tell you that napping in the crib for extended periods of time is a tricky and tenuous situation. Just because a baby is tired, doesn't mean they will sleep on their own. Unfortunately, a 35 minute nap is just long enough to keep them from falling back to sleep, but not long enough for them to be fully rested.

Long story short... instead of getting a bunch of stuff done while my cherubs slept, I got to soothe cranky babies for two hours. Plus, they will most likely be a little off for the rest of the day. Luckily they look super cute while sleeping next to me in their boppy pillows. It makes up for being stuck on the couch during nap time.

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