Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beach volleyball

Why do the female beach volleyball players have to wear such tiny uniforms?  I understand that it's a sport that began on the beach where the women playing it were wearing bathing suits, but really.  These women are Olympic athletes and they should be able to play in a pair or shorts if they prefer.  There are literally regulations about how large a beach volleyball uniform can be.  It seems to be a rule that half of your butt has to hang out, and these athletes don't even have big butts.  Plus, the tops aren't that big either.  I don't think I could be a beach volleyball player because my top would not fit in the uniform top.

The whole thing seems ridiculous.  The men don't have to play beach volleyball in speedos, they get to wear shorts and sleeveless jerseys.  Even on a sunny day in August, London can't possibly be a comfortable place to wear a bikini.  I wish the powers that be in beach volleyball would let the athletes have more choice in their uniforms.  If they want to play in a tiny bikini with their cheeks hanging out in the breeze that's fine, but if they want to don some under armor or a pair of shorts, let them.

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