Thursday, August 1, 2013

June and July... Part 2.

Now on to the exciting (good exciting, I guess the postpartum depression was exciting in its own way) parts of June and July.

First, our epic journey.  At the end of June we loaded up the minivan with our family and most of our portable worldly possessions and headed south.  Our first stop was Nashville, Tennessee to visit my husband's side of the family.  We've made the drive many times.  Before babies we could power through it in less than eight hours if we really wanted to get there fast.  Now there is no such thing as "powering through."  It's a solid eleven hour journey, now.  On a good run it involves two meal stops (at Cracker Barrel, exclusively) and at least one snack break at a rest area.

The kiddos did really well in the car, all things considered.  On a normal day they spend most of their time toddling purposefully around the house, moving objects from one room to another and trying to steal my phone and iPad.  On a travel day they spend most of their time sitting in a car seat, kicking their legs and chucking all of my toy and book offerings out of reach.  As a consolation we let them have pacifiers and we try to stop for long stretch breaks.

We made it to Nashville with our sanity intact and had a great week.  We saw old friends, went to a wedding, played in the creek behind Nana and Grandpa's house, played in the baby pool in the backyard and saw lots of family.  The only unpleasant parts were Honeybun's new tooth and the cold my husband caught.  Both interrupted my sleep and made us all a little cranky, except Little Man, he stayed cheerful.

After a week of play and fun, we moved on to the next stage of our journey.  Two of my siblings joined us for the drive south and we said goodbye to my husband for a week. 

To be continued...

I'll add pictures soon.

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